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NeoEngress Simulator System

F/A-18C Full Cockpits  (Customized Product)

Product Details

NeoEngress full cockpits come at different prices with multiple options for the airframe structure, skin finish, liveries, pilot entry style, primary flight controls, display solutions, etc. They are equipped with our proprietary hardware & software interface solution. An integrated wiring system has been optimized for easy installation and maintenance. 

A simplified single-monitor Main Instrument Panel has been featured in an early engineering prototype demonstrated in the following video. The UFC on this variant was built on top of an LCD. 

A more realistic MIP geometry is featured in our latest builds which are more advanced. (Images showing one unit being assembled)


With all the critical dimensions cross-checked and tested, the latest iteration is more VR-friendly. Controls such as buttons, switch levers, knobs and handles are intuitively accessible without the need for visual confirmation.


MR works even better with visual feedback. Separate high-definition displays are used for MFD's, and the new UFC features a software dimmable dot segment display system. 

MIP section of the NeoEngress F/A-18 simulator full cockpit
NeoEngress F/A-18 simulator full cockpit

We offer customized mounting solutions for your flight controls. Mainstream off-the-shelf stick, throttle and rudder pedals are supported by our cockpits. Realistic flight controls with motorized MECH pitch trim and A/T have also been developed for much higher fidelity configurations. The cockpit frame can be customized for different models of flight control hardware. 

If you are skilled with metal work, 3D printing and DIY electronics, you may also choose to start your own build based on the same metal frame with this full cockpit. More information available on our cockpit frame page

Ordering Information

Most products on our site would involve certain amount of customization, and manual confirmation is required by default. It is therefore only possible to place an order by contacting us. E-mail is highly recommended because it can be well archived for later reference. Alternatively, the "Contact Us" page provides a contact form which allows you to send us short messages without having to draft a mail. The "Request Info" button on this page also leads to the same contact form. 

For more information regarding options, customization, price quotes, packing lists, ordering, lead time, shipping and payments, please contact us by mail. 

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NeoEngress Simulations LLC produces visual representations of real-life aircraft related vehicles or features. NeoEngress is not affiliated in any way with the business entities (other companies) that produce such real-life products such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, et al, and NeoEngress does not produce under any license, or quality control from such other companies that may own the trademarks to such real-life products. All the designs, engineering, solutions, and production approaches implemented by NeoEngress are independent from any intellectual property owned by these other companies. NeoEngress does not adopt the same standards, procedures, codes of conduct, or other rules of operation as these other companies. The goods produced by NeoEngress do not conform to the same standards to which products from these other companies shall conform. The goods produced by NeoEngress shall not be used for similar purposes as the goods from these other companies. Any reference by NeoEngress made to such other companies' real-life products is only meant to describe the real-life product that is being replicated and is not intended to suggest the origin of NeoEngress' goods are related to such other companies.

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